Friday, January 15, 2010

Rinse Agent TOO MUCH RINSE AGENT In Dishwasher?

TOO MUCH RINSE AGENT in dishwasher? - rinse agent

My son hates the smell of food after the heat is washed and dried in the dishwasher. Costco detergent is used. Recently, my husband filled the tank of the rinse aid is not a dishwasher. If this would have dispersed too much liquid rinse in water and thus the smell of the dishes with soap? To empty the tank rinsing or not?

1 comment:

♥ †@ÿŁƏƏ♥ said...

Leave the lid, and lead you through. Keep an eye on him, but, as he tends to do a lot of foam. You have to stop and maybe rinse cycle starts over again to remove the soap. You could even run for a little .=)

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