Thursday, January 14, 2010

Food Rotation System Is It True That During The Agriculture Revolution The Price Of Food Went Down When There Was....?

Is it true that during the Agriculture Revolution the price of food went down when there was....? - food rotation system

The new rotary managed by four?

** Talking about farming in the English Revolution **


creambun... said...

While had in the Middle East, entered the field-rotation system on four years of culture with another culture in all three areas, for example. Wheat and barley in two, broke with the third. "Wasteland" is a term meaning that the field is empty, nothing will grow. Over the next two centuries, the regular planting of legumes rich in nitrogen increases in areas that previously broke slowly, the fertility of arable land. The planting of legumes (pulses, has works by the EAP and the Jewish family) helped the growth of plants empty into the field, as it used to grow a different set of nutrients to crops. Legumes supply the nutrients in the cereals, the nitrate in the nitrogen produced in the atmosphere, and used to replace the mineral grains to boost. In a sense, they were feeding each other. When the pastures were reduced agricultural production after a long pause, their fertility is much higher than in the Middle Ages.

The farmers in Flanders (now Belgium), however, has found four areas of research more efficientRotation, to replace the introduction of turnips and clover fallow. The clover is both an ideal forage crop market, and what has really improved the grain harvest in the following year (Klee part of the family of the beans) pulses is. Cereal production has increased at the same time to improve livestock production. Farmers could grow more cattle because they had to eat more, and manure is excellent fertilizer, so that the plants could be more productive. Charles Townshend learned the system of four areas of Flanders and the UK introduced in 1730.

So basically, food prices fell, because he is more - the same as a food, cars on TV! Oh, and the agricultural revolution means that more people could live food - so there was a growing population, which in turn launched the industrial revolution!

anika said...

No production, lower crop prices

anika said...

No production, lower crop prices

ramblinr... said...

Yes, basically saying what others have. Because of the rotation of crops for more efficient production of certain foods, does not mean everyone has done it from. The owners of the means of production has brought out, that's all.

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