Sunday, January 17, 2010

Naturist Families 2009 Megavideo I Am Conducting A Funeral Tomorrow The Recently Deceased Was A Naturist?

I am conducting a funeral tomorrow the recently deceased was a naturist? - naturist families 2009 megavideo

Family and friends will be in nakedness as a sign of respect, I also celebrate the dearly departed rise to its creator, in the buff, or it could be your health and safety? God bless


Never fear, nana's here! said...

What is the pastor of his costume?

I think he came into this world naked, rented the same way.

fiona311 said...

Very funny, the day of the April Fool!

Sylveste... said...

Yes, the fan a mark of respect
But do not make too close when the cremation ...

GARY said...

Well, it will not swarm!

domaiv01 said...

This may be complicated by a beautiful woman and the place will be filled with sausage

domaiv01 said...

This may be complicated by a beautiful woman and the place will be filled with sausage

Vive La Liberté said...

It's a little late for tricks of the joke, right?

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