Monday, January 11, 2010

Plastic Bag Facts Why There Is No Recycling Program For Plastic Bags (according To The Official City Website) In Toronto?

Why there is no recycling program for plastic bags (according to the official city website) in Toronto? - plastic bag facts

It is known that 500-1000 years for a plastic bag in a landfill is cut by


J Q Public said...

strane, what we have here. in my state. Toronto, one should perhaps not only in relation to the city.

Muledanc... said...

Do you have Kroger in Toronto? If not, look at what large retailers groc you have there. Many accept plastic bags for recycling.
proggy start recycling.

Lucy said...

Yes, it is, I do not know where they are collected. Some shops have abandoned containers only in the front doors when you. We live in the GTA and saw the ships in our region.

I reuse plastic bags for pick up after dogs. I want to use biodegradable, if made smaller, but so far the shopping bags is.

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