Monday, February 1, 2010

I Just Found Out My Girlfriend Has Oral Herpes Can You Get Multiple Types Of Oral Herpes?

Can you get multiple types of oral herpes? - i just found out my girlfriend has oral herpes

For example, a blood test that I-1 or herpes oral herpes. I've never noticed a break, but I wanted to take the test, after I learned that my friend has.

My biology teacher, who also spoke with a really bad case of me that there are different schools of the herpes virus, which is a 1st If I have a string that can be infected by others?


Tori said...

Absolutely ...
I have 3 rows of shingles.

Type-1-I in the eye makeup to sore along with my roommate with a cold.

I have genital herpes type 2 genital my 1st Man

And I thought it was safe to unprotected sex with another man - as she had genital herpes ... but I caught genital herpes in a different place in my sex in it! To avoid (The reason STD dating site!)

So I have infected 3 different areas separately and outbreaks of 3

dnd3d said...

There are two types of herpes. HSV1 and HSV2. HSV1 causes cold sores and can also Gential. HSV2 genital herpes is usually much heavier than HSV1 may not be the oral tradition, either HSV1 already there. That's what I know.

Scooby said...

There are several types of herpes virus in the family of viruses - mononucelosis chickenpox, cold sores (HSV-1) and genital herpes (HSV2), tiles ... Can do more, but those that I know of his own hand. Chicken pox and mono-time, an agreement to not do it again, HSV.

HSV-1 and 2 can be infected in one region - the lips or genitals, but type 1 prone to cold sores when they are caught in their own cause is the "preferred" base of the lips and Type 2 is the same in the genital area. Oral sex is, how this cross-infection can occur.

They say that only by taking more STD to another, but also the statistical result of unprotected sex. In my opinion, if one carefully and do not let your hormones rule the brain a good healthy sex life without transmitting the virus, or capture of others. Learn the signs that your body makes you believe that the virus is active and that the trigger can cause an epidemic. (Stress, burns, dehydration, etc.)

Good for you for GETested! Too many people live in denial and think just because they do not see (no symptoms, or even recognize when he is not), sexually transmitted diseases at all to be free. Many people catch HSV-1 as children when a parent or an active cold sore kisses back into his mouth.

It is estimated that 90% of people are aged 18 years, HSV-1 and between 25% and 40% have HSV-2. The variation of HSV-2 is ideal for large cities (higher incidence) and also appears to be larger, in the black population.

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